
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sally Field: ABC's "Brothers & Sisters" star's new magazine interview

Check out my new interview with former Gidget and Flying Nun star Sally Field in the March issue of Great Health magazine:

Sally talks about her healthy, active lifestyle and explains why she doesn't want her Brothers & Sisters character, Nora Walker, to struggle with health issues that Field has faced head on in her fifties and, now, early sixties.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Meghan McCain: Kiss Mah Grits!!!

Rush "Fatso" Limbaugh and Ann "Dingy" Coulter reunite with Laura "New Neocon in Town" Ingraham as Mel's Diner trades greasy spoons for greasy put-downs of a onetime GOP Presidential hopeful's "progressive Republican" blogging daughter. Wish we could say malice doesn't live here anymore, but leave it to Meghan "Flo" McCain to sling hash and sass when her rail-thin fellow waitresses point out that she's too plus-sized to dish political advice and pigs-in-a-blanket. Kiss her grits, ladies. It could be your only caloric intake today.