
Monday, September 14, 2009

Cancer takes another Hollywood great

And so the somber summer of celebrity death comes to a close (God willing) with the sad, sad news that the beloved Patrick Swayze has succumbed to pancreatic cancer. He waged as brave a battle as Farrah Fawcett did—both showed true courage in the face of relentless and often cruel tabloid scrutiny.

In related news, Hollywood has about three good guys left.

Farrah: At the top now and forever

Farrah's Story producer Craig Nevius tells Tabloid Baby that the late TV icon's NBC documentary didn't deserve to win the Emmy for Outstanding Nonfiction Special (that honor went to the History Channel 9/11 documentary 102 Minutes That Changed America). In doing so, he fondly recalls a triumphant Farrah on top of the world at the Empire State Building.