
Monday, February 8, 2010

"Best Week Ever"'s Julie Klausner kisses, fondles and tells in her new book!

Pop Tart: 'E-medianne' and 'I Don't Care About Your Band' Author Julie Klausner takes aim at 'Night Court' eroticism, Kermit's cool-guy persona and Bonnie Franklin's crushing aloofness
Check out our cheeky interview with hilarious comedian and pop culture diva Julie Klausner. Her new book, I Don't Care About Your Band: What I Learned from Indie Rockers, Trust Funders, Pornographers, Felons, Faux Sensitive Rockers and Other Guys I've Dated (phew!) is breezy, sleezy and, like a full-figured Isabel Sanford panting heavily aside the diminutive Sherman Hemsley, will leave you feeling Weezie. No, she doesn't mention The Jeffersons, but she does dish on her life-changing dalliances with Night Court, Miss Piggy, Drop Dead Fred, Mr. Belvedere and more '80s and '90s pop culture fare than you can shake a ThighMaster at.

Julie's talents as a writer and performer have been showcased in numerous Best Week Ever skits, among numerous other venues. Check out video of her funny business at http://Retroality.TV