
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sad Days: Tom Bosley doesn't live here anymore : (
Tom Bosley with Linda Lavin and Jennifer Lopez in 2010's The Back-up Plan.
Another day when Facebook welcomes you to the world with a big fat (though well-intentioned) beeyotchslap. Mr. Cunningham, I just the other night watched you offer counsel to Richie and Potsie after they dressed in drag. Now who will they turn to? RIP, Tom Bosley ... 

And if you see TV's other Bosley, David Doyle, on the other side, I hope the angels (you know, other than Farrah) don't get you two mixed up. And God, if you're on Facebook right now, please leave Mrs. C and Laverne and Shirley and company with us, okay? We need our '50s- (and '60s-, '70s- and '80s-)centric sitcom stars, too.