And so the somber summer of celebrity death comes to a close (God willing) with the sad, sad news that the beloved Patrick Swayze has succumbed to pancreatic cancer. He waged as brave a battle as Farrah Fawcett did—both showed true courage in the face of relentless and often cruel tabloid scrutiny.
In related news, Hollywood has about three good guys left.
`I was stunned when I got the news last night; I don't know why; I'd prepared myself for this day a while ago. It wasn't any less shocking.
He fought a damned good fight & lived a long time. On the flip side something he's done gave him more time.
Rest in peace Patrick.
Lisa, may you find as much peace as you can.
Well-said! My heart goes out to Lisa. I hope she's able to complete the memoir they were writing, if it's not already finished. I will buy that book and promote the heck out of it!
Chris, there were 2 specials on, THS Patrick and one on Biography channel. If you have the opportunity to watch, do so. I caught the tail end of THS, have to see if my DVR recorded a 2nd showing yet.
Thank you, Mother of the Year! I did see the Biography special and will keep my eyes peeled for the THS. Patrick was a true good guy. Saw the clip of him in "To Wong Foo" and was quickly reminded how versatile of a performer he was.
Chris, I'm really loving your blog since I found it. I think you do a wonderful job writing & sharing various views.
Have you seen the 2 links on Patrick & Lisa's book?
'My cancer treatment was hell': Exclusive extracts from the late Patrick Swayze's autobiography
Extracts from Patrick Swayze's searingly honest book
BTW Chris, have you seen Blog Catalog yet? did a quick look, don't see you listed.
MOTY, I really appreciate your feedback and encouragement! I'm a relative newbie in the blogosphere, so I'm still learning all the tricks of the trade. I'll definitely check out Blog Catalog—thanks!
I did see one of those Swayze links and will definitely check out the other. He and Farrah have given so much hope to people, and I trust their legacies will be fully realized in the months and years ahead. If Retroality and this blog can add to the chorus of progress that Farrah, Patrick, Fran Drescher, Olivia Newton-John, Jaclyn Smith, Rod Roddy and other famous cancer warriors began—and I hope the blog continues to become a hub for community discourse—then I'll be thrilled.
Thanks again for contributing to this dialogue!
If you're familiar with Brett Hudson, his story is pretty interesting too. He was going to Germany at the same time as Farrah.
Good luck with the blog.
I just started one on cancer, have only done a few posts so far; not sure which way I'll take it and with what parts of cancer.
I'll have to look into Brett Hudson's story. He could be a good subject to cover. I'm pretty sure he was one of my sister's '70s heartthrobs.
Please keep me posted about your blog; it sounds very interesting. I'm presently editing a guest commentary from a friend who survived colon cancer. She's relating her story to those of celebs with cancer. There are so many inspiring stories out there.
Hi Chris, what did you do to the comments section? Had problems logging in to post with my other account.
Do you have the url for Brett? Brett's Blog to read it all, hit archives. So far it appears he's beaten throat cancer. Yes, the same Brett Hudson that was the 70's heart throb lol
I know someone else fighting colon cancer, so I'm interested to read that. I try to keep up on cancer topics, my hubby is currently fighting neck cancer.
Egads ... sorry you had trouble logging in with your Blogger account. As a condition of joining Blog Catalog, I had to add the "JS Kit" widget to my blog. I didn't realize it'd interfere with Blogger comments!
Please let me know if this format continues to pose posting challenges for you. I value your feedback and will do what I need to do to make these platforms work together.
Thanks for the link to Brett's Blog. Will check that out for sure.
Oh my goodness, I'm sorry to hear about your husband's neck cancer. Is he responding to treatment? My heart goes out to you guys.
Thanks Chris, if you need to use that log in for comments it's fine, I can log in with my other account as I've finally gotten the cancer blog going.
It was asking for me to log in with Google friend connect, verses the google account where I am able to change my main profile name from my main one to Mother Of The Year. I did a search, someone else actually uses MOTY. lol I don't care if you know who I really am; I just don't want that particular name to show up if someone googles it.
We'll know more tomorrow. He sees the oncologist then & we will know what the treatment plan is.
Chris, did you get the email I sent you? The subject is "Mother of the Year"
Thanks for the alert! I just got your e-mail and responded : ).
People has a new story Patrick Swayze's Widow to Break Her Silence
Thanks, MOTY!
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